Gaming Performance:

Asus Commando Gaming Performance

Asus Commando Gaming Performance

Asus Commando Gaming Performance

At high-resolution with high in-game details, the stress on PCI-Express bandwidth is greater in multi-GPU scenarios. This time though, Call of Duty 2 does in fact see an increase in performance as a result of running CrossFire, although it's only a fraction of what the other boards were capable of with two PCI-Express x8 slots.

Quake 4 does a reversal and is actually slower with CrossFire than single card - that's probably down to Nvidia being faster in OpenGL apps, though. The dual x8 CrossFire boards run nearly twice as fast in comparison, so it would seem like OpenGL CrossFire doesn't work on P965. Half-Life 2: Episode 1 works fine though, and evidently scales nicely. Not only that, it's the joint fastest performer in CrossFire.
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